The past year has been like none other in our lifetime. Since March 2020, our nation, even our world has been negatively impacted by the attack of the deadly Coronavirus. People we know have contracted the virus and some we have lost. As seniors and people of color and many of us with underlying health conditions we have had to take great precautions.
Our program activities had to come to a halt. The Annual Go Western Dance scheduled for March 27, 2021 could not go forward as planned. Our biggest fundraiser, Juneteenth Weekend which includes raffles, dance, booth sales were all cancelled. Consequently, we did not receive the membership dues that many members pay during the Juneteenth Weekend. Although our budget is tight and spending limited, we continue to move forward. In recognition of Juneteenth, the Alumni posted an article in the Wharton-Spectator Journal telling the history, significance and cultural traditions of the nineteenth of June.
We lost our beloved Hospitality Committee Chairperson, Mrs. Augerine Anderson. Augerine had been a dedicated member of the organization for decades. She always brought a smile into the room when she entered and always imparted words of wisdom at the end of her hospitality report. Her daughter, Dr. Angela Anderson, became a member and took up her mother’s role of sending out birthday and bereavement cards.
We did continue our monthly meetings by conference call which was successful. Members from out of the area who otherwise would not have been in attendance joined us on the conference calls. Our by-laws were revised and approved on September 24, 2020. Changes to the by-laws expanded our membership to three categories: regular member, associate member, and corporate member. The Juneteenth Weekend is now our Annual Membership meeting date. We expanded our committees and tasked one to work on developing and launching a website. With you in mind and because of the pandemic, we voted to make no change in membership dues until 2022.
A group of Alumni became involved with Lt. Ben Evans in an endeavor to provide upkeep for the grounds at the Black Cemetery. If you have family members in that cemetery, contact Lt. Ben Evans or Myself about dues for upkeep and any other way you can help. Our Historical Committee published a most inspiring article in the local paper for Black History Month. The article was about the history of the Jake Ford Community, its settlers, and descendants.
Our Historical Marker has arrived and is stored at the Wharton Independent School District (WISD) business office until it is safe to hold the dedication ceremony. We have tentatively set September 2021 as our dedication date. Thanks again to all of you who contributed to the Historical Marker.
Despite the restrictions imposed by Covid-19, we were still able to conduct business.
Our future is looking bright. We are introducing Zoom as our media for monthly meetings which will provide a means for social interaction as well as effectively conducting meetings. Since we are using ZOOM, we will need to use our time efficiently. That said, I will need to enforce Roberts Rule of Law so that we may accomplish our business in a timely manner. As we learn more about using Zoom, we can become more creative and effective.
In April, we plan to send out applications for the WTHSAEA/ Augerine Anderson Scholarship Award, as we continue with our community outreach.
I’m not sure Dr. Anthony Fauci can tell us today if it will be safe to meet for our Annual Juneteenth 2021 meeting. However, we want to make membership a priority this calendar year. We want to welcome into the WTHSAEA the children, grandchildren, spouses, extended family, friends of alumni and corporations. Look for a Zoom dedicated membership rally soon. Please update your mailing address, email and cell phone number. Our membership is our strength and the generations behind us are our future and will keep our legacy alive.
Our WTHSAEA membership dues became due on January 1, 2021. We are looking to restore our operating funds. Our dues are the lifeline of our organization, to preserve our Historical Archives and keep WTHS Legacy alive, to provide outreach services to the Wharton Lower Income Community and present scholarships to deserving students.
I loved WTHS and cherish the Community we grew up in. We now have the chance to meet our organization’s purpose. I am requesting that you send your dues in as soon as possible; Regular membership is $60.00, Associate is $20.00 and Corporate is $200.00
Please send checks or money orders to: WTHS Alumni & Ex-Students AssociationP.O. Box 1131Wharton, TX 77488
Warm Regards,
Ann Edwards, President WTHSAEAEmail: 868-9987